Wednesday, January 11, 2012

With what we have, I promise you that we'll keep marching on

Let me start off this post by thanking God and all those who supported me through out my journey towards O-levels. My results may not kick ass fantastic but I'm satisfied with it because I gave it all that I've got at that point of time. Struggled to get myself in check and shit along those lines but I survived.

Went to apply for school today and the lady was so nice. I can't specify the help she's giving me 'cause its classified (I know, I know) but my goodness, I can't believe the amount of blessings I'm receiving at the start of an amazing 2012. #ThankyouGod forever trending in my heart and mind man.

It was nice having @cforserious, @JoanDeeJett and @pantiesandbra (previously known as @kellovesboxing) there in the school hall with me to collect my results. After all the crying, we had a late lunch and headed to Keppel Bay to chill at Wine Glass.

Amazing view, even more fantastic company. :-)

Fucking fail 

Ah lians of Wine Glass leh

We the minahs of Keppel Bay sioll

On a side note, spent last weekend in Batam with @JoanDeeJett and @pantiesandbra. Basically, we had a lot of fun, smoking everywhere and everywhere, fucking whack motorbike rides after midnight at 100km/h without a helmet, drinking 'cause the alcohol is so cheap there, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It felt so good to be there. There are more photos from our stay there but I'm feeling tad lazy~ @cforserious regretted not coming along, HEE HEE HEE

Met up with my soldiers after coming back. Say hi to @celestineee  <3

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