Monday, January 16, 2012

My head is ready to explode

It's 3:09 am and I've no bloody idea what am I still doing awake at this hour when I've work later on at 1pm.

It's been a really sick weekend(No pun intended) This retarded stomach of mine decided to go back to its old ways of cocking up and so I was down with a terrible stomach + fever for the weekend which made me miss work(+ it was full shift -$$$) Stayed in bed through out Saturday and spent some loving with my bed and just when I decided to fix a level on my bookshelf that my little sister leaned on, my whole bookshelf fell on me. Such luck. Pretty upset right because all of my lovely books are stacked up on the floor. Up till now, I'm still not over how my bookshelf just collapsed. No thanks to my little fat ass sister who just decided to conveniently lean on one of the levels. L

I'm sorry for sounding so whinny over a bookshelf + my books but I really treasure and love every single book I've ever gotten from anyone or bought. Books are amazing. Once you start reading a good ass book, you're transported to another world almost instantly.

Enough said about my bookshelf. Talking about it only makes me even more upset about it. Le sigh

On a lighter note, when I had dinner with @cforserious on Thursday evening, I was pleasantly surprised at how genuinely charitable she is. Not that I've never had a good impression of her or what so ever but I just thought what she did is pretty remarkable for someone her age + someone who is always talking about how broke she is. When this old, frail granny came up to us while we were eating at Thong Seng at Bugis selling tissues to us, I gave the granny a dollar which is the usual price for getting 3 packs of tissues. She then said something in mandarin which I didn't understand at all and Cerelia told me to give her a bit more, so I did. After that, Cerelia started having a conversation with her. From what I understood, she asked the granny if she had her dinner already, granny said no so she asked her what she wanted to eat and just showed her the menu like as though it's such a norm to be buying a meal for a random stranger.

I should be heading to bed soon so..... till then, please learn how to treasure your bookshelves. L


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