Tuesday, January 03, 2012

City Skyline

A Scottish house in Scotland 
Work later on. And here I am... Not sleeping, talking to Deb on Facebook Chat, spamming @yanaindreas wall, reading up on the different type of buildings, fantasizing about designing a dream house with a Scottish finish + with the beach as a back yard and the city skyline as a view from my roof top.

Didn't do much on the 2nd day of January besides pigging out on the couch while watching E! and Star World. Met @ishotmyzombie, @kellovesboxing and @JoanDeeJett for dinner at Pastamania in West Mall. It was such a horrible dining experience. Never liked Pastamania and after last evening's meal, my dislike for Pastamania has definitely rocketed. Got a haircut and headed back home to watch more E! and a local chinese drama(Don't judge, haha)

Have a good week ahead, lads.

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