Thursday, June 03, 2010

Head under the water

Long distance phone call from Kelly just now. My god, it's been a very very very long time, huh? I'm glad she called. Had a talk with her about what's been going and stuff. She made me talk and think about things I didn't want to think or talk about!! Pretty fucked up, but it's okay. Only because it was only because of her "Are you sure you really don't care about what has happened?" "Have you ever thought about it from another perspective" that I was able to think things throughly and yeah you know, things along that line.

And because Kelly, the other two posts were removed on my own will. Ikr, like what the tits is wrong with me, right??! But it's ok, if it makes you happy. I promised Kelly no more evil posts on my blog unless I have a stand on why I posted it, evil girl. Stupid girl, make me feel as though I'm sharing this blog with you now. Hey, it's my blog after all right...?

Anyway, I'm glad that I am finally done with coursework!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!? I'M DONE WITH TASK ANALYSIS, LIST OF PRIORITIES, RESEARCH, DECISION MAKING, SHOPPING LIST, EQUIPMENT LIST AND AND AND (!!!!) EVALUATION!! Hell yeah, baby! Awesome way to kickstart the holidays (Pretty slow, huh)

It is already 0222 and I'm still not sleeping. I have school tomorrow, yikes. I know Aly is staying up to do her work too. Poor baby, I hope she will pull through the night. I miss talking to her, dayum. HI ALY, IF YOU'RE READING THIS, I MISS YOU AND I DEMAND(In a very cute and innocent and none dominating tone) A SUSHI DATE SOON!!! BEFORE N LVL, PLEASE. MISS YOU, MY KEWL KEWL SENIOR WHO STAYED IN THE LIBRARY TO STUDY FOR Os. xxxxx

Today was a good, good, good day! Met Sufyan first then Elly who came over to my place. When she's at my place, she makes herself at home and when I'm at her's, I make it like my home too.. This is what cousins are for.. (: Met Sufyan again after that and Adam, Yusseen(Sp??) Headed to Elly's place then we headed to town. Borders with 'em was pretty hilarious. Now we have really cute ez link cards with pokemon(sp?!) stickers, I like!

Omg, Calamari texted me today while I was at the clinic and I almost died!!! Kambeng made me laugh like some chibai while texting today. So did Andrea, omg those two small people. Sufyan says I have something going on with all the midgets in the world, no.. I don't think so. (:

Time for me to hit the sack, right? No, left.
Have a good rest-of-the-week ahead people!


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