Yesterday was great!!
Had my typical saturday morning and afternoon,then when we came home,Aunty Jean and Mummy started their typical grown up sessions,-.- and so ,i went out with Cally.
It was bloody crappy and fun.I was msging Caitlin while talking and walking with Cally.It was hilarious.
I received a msg from Caitlin :
Call me now! I tell you why. Faster faster save me.
And im like wth??.So me,being such a nice person and all,gave her a call.
Honestly,i thought Mas Selamat kidnaped her or smthng or maybe she fell into the longkang being such an accident prone person she is,haha(Kidding.)
She then started ranting and ranting about things i shldn't mention here.Omg i tell you,she was just going on and on like a machine gun can,But me being such and understanding person,kept my cool knowing that she is having such a bad day(aww,poor you Caitlin)
You know,Caitlin shld be very grateful to me for the fact that i saved her frm that person.
She was ultimately pissed off to th max and boy,she sound like some scary shit.Even praising her doesn't seem to work.But,hell was she funny at times.
2/3 of the time ystd was spent talking to her,-.- And i laughing and laughing at all th retarded stuff Caitlin was saying and fooling around with Cally.Cally and I invented our imaginary motorbikes,cars,lorries and Ambulances ystd,damn kewl ok.We parked it at somewhere in Yishun.Haha.We passed by a pasarmalam and we decided to have this shop selling Michael Ross & Hamilton-Shimmen burgers when we grow up,Haha.Damn kewl ok..
My mummy is taking forever to get ready,-.-
We are gonna have our typical sunday afternoon later after picking my sis up from my aunt's place.Daddy has to work today!!WDFFFF IS THIS PEOPLE.Atleast,he will be joining us in town later.My sister is having some friends over again today,i bet hell's gonna break loose soon,no doubt people,no doubt i tell you.
Sports Day tomorrow!!I hope red house will atleast get second!Butttt,win or lose,not a big deal,haha,but still it's better t win.(wth) There is training tmrw aft Sports Day.Allcomers is nxt coming sunday,oh shit luh,im so not prepared.Fishhhhhhhhhhhhh.
And th venue is not even confirm!!!!!
#1.Happy Monthsary Rachel Rodrigues and Jake!!
#2.Caitlin , you must be honoured that i spent so much time talking t you ystd,heehee.
Shari:What chocolates do you prefer,Cadbury or Sins?
Caitlin:Cadbury.Haha why?
Shari:Cause im getting chocolates for someone,haha.
Caitlin:Oh haha i wonder who?
Shari:Yea,i wonder who too.Who ah?
Caitlin:I dunno. Haha you tell me.
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