#1.Dianah loves saying Awesome
#2.So does Dulcie Jean Rae Carmel Hamilton-Shimmen.
This week was Awesome!! (Seee,i told you.)
The Kampong Glam thiggum was pretty good.I was in th same grp as Cally!How kewlxzxxx was that.Two kewl bandmates in th same grp,lawl.We went around kampong glam,how fun was that man(No Sarcasm intended)My grp was as dead as nothing when we heard we will only get to eat our lunches at 1.45pm.But you know what,our wonderful facils just had to drag everything then we only got to eat at 3pm,like wdffff.So after eating our lunch ,Asyikin(sp??) the senior who is in th Senior band in school,Die Homework Die,cally and I were talking about getting The Rampage empty street,empty love(No Pun Intended) a slot during fiesta and we are most prolly getting recess slot.After dismissal,Cally invited me to hang out with her group of friends.So,i met this group of awesome bunch of seniors.There were 4 of 'em but,i have unintentionally forgotten their names.So we went arnd Haji lane taking photos,and then it was off to bugis and town.
We went to have gelato at Tangs.So i had my usual wild berry and cookies and cream.Cally didn't enjoyed my wildberry but the rest did,Haha.So,we walked around orchard and then it was off to skatepark and then home.
Then,Cally,Dianah and I planned to meet up today.So we did.Cally's place was out of bounce today,awww.That bloody toot didn't wanna come over to mine,stupid mofo.So,Dianah was late for band which (intentionally) cause her to miss band.So,we went Yishun park and Ave11 Playgrnd and we slacked,played th guitar and did some photography.
#01.I met an Awesome bunch of people!!
#02.I met the woman w th most awesomest butt,awesomest Dianah!!
#03.I met th woman w th most awesoment laughter,awesomest pon-tee-anak Dianah!!
#04.Meet The Rampage,empty street,empty love(No Pun Intended) lead singer,th awesomest Dianah!!
#05.I met one of the kewlxzxxxx people on earth of loves the colour Red,the senior whom i currently forgotten her name,>.<
#06.Cally wants a pair of gay sunglasses!!Gay-ed
#07.This Weekend was Fantastic!!
#08.MOS Student's night nxt week w kewlzxzxxx and awesome people nxt week!
#09.Lunch w The Rampage on tuesday,Fabulous!
#10.I HAVE THE MOST PRICELESS AWESOMEST PICTURE!It shall be up here tmrw feat. Awesome pon-tee-anak!!
This awesome thing is just for this post.Awesome ain't my thing, Kewlzxzxxxx is , so yeaph , look out for my very very very very very very very Cool/Kewlzxzxzx posts
as usual alrite people.
If I don't say this now I will surely break.As I'm leaving the one I want to take.Forgive the urgency but hurry up and wait.My heart has started to separate
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