Haha,today is the bombxzxxx yo.
Even thou Red House wasn't the champion house,atleast our cheerleaders were 1st!!
And everyone that ran for Red House were fabulous!!!
After Sports days was the bombxzxxxx i tell you.
Went to town w Cally,Sacha,Ameera,Audrey and this girl whom i do not know her name,opps.
It was fun going around being random just telling sacha that Red House is the bombxzxx and hi-5-ing each other all the time yo.
HAHA.We had lunch and we went walking around town like lifeless people but it was super kewl and fun.
We then sat along orchard road and just camwhored.Cally and I were walking around w our earpieces stuck in our ears and stoned.I was super nice to share my Milo and Chocs w Sacha ok.
See,im such a nice junior,right right Sacha.( :
Sacha and i were telling each other lame jokes and she came up w retarded jokes.-.-
Cally was damn retarded i swear.
Caitlin is damn cute,Haha.She must be so honoured that i have been praising her so much,right right.
#1.E-learning tmrw!!!
#2.Sacha is funny.
#3.Cally is retarded.
#5.Caitlin is Funny.
I was born t tell you i love you.

Monday, March 31, 2008
#1.You will just melt infront of her presence and you will melt at the sound of her sexy voice.
#2.She so rockzxxxxx my world.
#3.And boy,i cannot live without hearing her sexy voice!!
She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.She is so hotxxxx.
I Love her till no words can comprehend(-.-)
iie Lurbx eu worhzxxx
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturdays are th bombzxxzxxxx.

Yesterday was great!!
Had my typical saturday morning and afternoon,then when we came home,Aunty Jean and Mummy started their typical grown up sessions,-.- and so ,i went out with Cally.
It was bloody crappy and fun.I was msging Caitlin while talking and walking with Cally.It was hilarious.
I received a msg from Caitlin :
Call me now! I tell you why. Faster faster save me.
And im like wth??.So me,being such a nice person and all,gave her a call.
Honestly,i thought Mas Selamat kidnaped her or smthng or maybe she fell into the longkang being such an accident prone person she is,haha(Kidding.)
She then started ranting and ranting about things i shldn't mention here.Omg i tell you,she was just going on and on like a machine gun can,But me being such and understanding person,kept my cool knowing that she is having such a bad day(aww,poor you Caitlin)
You know,Caitlin shld be very grateful to me for the fact that i saved her frm that person.
She was ultimately pissed off to th max and boy,she sound like some scary shit.Even praising her doesn't seem to work.But,hell was she funny at times.
2/3 of the time ystd was spent talking to her,-.- And i laughing and laughing at all th retarded stuff Caitlin was saying and fooling around with Cally.Cally and I invented our imaginary motorbikes,cars,lorries and Ambulances ystd,damn kewl ok.We parked it at somewhere in Yishun.Haha.We passed by a pasarmalam and we decided to have this shop selling Michael Ross & Hamilton-Shimmen burgers when we grow up,Haha.Damn kewl ok..
My mummy is taking forever to get ready,-.-
We are gonna have our typical sunday afternoon later after picking my sis up from my aunt's place.Daddy has to work today!!WDFFFF IS THIS PEOPLE.Atleast,he will be joining us in town later.My sister is having some friends over again today,i bet hell's gonna break loose soon,no doubt people,no doubt i tell you.
Sports Day tomorrow!!I hope red house will atleast get second!Butttt,win or lose,not a big deal,haha,but still it's better t win.(wth) There is training tmrw aft Sports Day.Allcomers is nxt coming sunday,oh shit luh,im so not prepared.Fishhhhhhhhhhhhh.
And th venue is not even confirm!!!!!
#1.Happy Monthsary Rachel Rodrigues and Jake!!
#2.Caitlin , you must be honoured that i spent so much time talking t you ystd,heehee.
Shari:What chocolates do you prefer,Cadbury or Sins?
Caitlin:Cadbury.Haha why?
Shari:Cause im getting chocolates for someone,haha.
Caitlin:Oh haha i wonder who?
Shari:Yea,i wonder who too.Who ah?
Caitlin:I dunno. Haha you tell me.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Hot Crossed Buns anyone??

Hello spastic honeymoon-er!
#01.Thanks Cynthia for telling me i don't suck ( :
#02.I wanna go for Click Five but im only arriving in Sg at 9pm on the 1st of June.
#03.Jessica noticed that her Lime December Issue seems older,hmm.
#04.I passed 7 subjects!!
#05.Daddy has t work on Good Friday!Wdeff is wrong w his company,it's Good Friday for God's Sake!!!!
#06.Mummy bought ton loads of Easter Eggs,heehee.Indulgence.
#07.Hot Crossed Buns are hot ( ;
#08.I MISS YOU BBY ) ;
As long as im living,i 'll be waiting
Sunday, March 16, 2008
As promised.
I have no inspiration to blog again.
Im a happy kiddo because..
#1.Science project work has reached home based and it's a SAFEDDDD!!!(In none softball term,it means,it's completed.)
#2.Design and Technology project is productive today,haha.
Im not a happy kiddo because...

We were part of th roadsweepers that day,look at our tee's colour,striking.

Cally Feat. Pon-tee-anak staring up her tree.
#01.The priceless picture!!!(Evrybody say'Awesome"!!!)

Hello PGA Women's Champion awesomest butt/pon-tee-anak.
Ssshhh,she is emoing,ltr she bite you then you know.(pon-tee-anak do bite right?)
Im a happy kiddo because..
#1.Science project work has reached home based and it's a SAFEDDDD!!!(In none softball term,it means,it's completed.)
#2.Design and Technology project is productive today,haha.
Im not a happy kiddo because...
#1.I just realised that we still have to do a powerpoint slide on our model for science!!wdff.
#2.I hate today and tomorrow because today marks the beginning of tomorrow and there is school tomorrow.
Janet said the events for allcomers today was great.Haha,I think Cynthia managed to cleared her goal for HighJump since she got second.Now,im damn terrified that i won't be able to clear 6.6 meter for shotput,I damn scared that the people down there are waaaaaaaay better than me and those sort of thing.What if i got beaten by some shitass dudette.Wow,embarrassing much can.I won't be able to come to school or even go out from my house if i don't do well manzxxx.

We were part of th roadsweepers that day,look at our tee's colour,striking.

Cally Feat. Pon-tee-anak staring up her tree.
#01.The priceless picture!!!(Evrybody say'Awesome"!!!)

Hello PGA Women's Champion awesomest butt/pon-tee-anak.
Ssshhh,she is emoing,ltr she bite you then you know.(pon-tee-anak do bite right?)
Saturday, March 15, 2008

#1.Dianah loves saying Awesome
#2.So does Dulcie Jean Rae Carmel Hamilton-Shimmen.
This week was Awesome!! (Seee,i told you.)
The Kampong Glam thiggum was pretty good.I was in th same grp as Cally!How kewlxzxxx was that.Two kewl bandmates in th same grp,lawl.We went around kampong glam,how fun was that man(No Sarcasm intended)My grp was as dead as nothing when we heard we will only get to eat our lunches at 1.45pm.But you know what,our wonderful facils just had to drag everything then we only got to eat at 3pm,like wdffff.So after eating our lunch ,Asyikin(sp??) the senior who is in th Senior band in school,Die Homework Die,cally and I were talking about getting The Rampage empty street,empty love(No Pun Intended) a slot during fiesta and we are most prolly getting recess slot.After dismissal,Cally invited me to hang out with her group of friends.So,i met this group of awesome bunch of seniors.There were 4 of 'em but,i have unintentionally forgotten their names.So we went arnd Haji lane taking photos,and then it was off to bugis and town.
We went to have gelato at Tangs.So i had my usual wild berry and cookies and cream.Cally didn't enjoyed my wildberry but the rest did,Haha.So,we walked around orchard and then it was off to skatepark and then home.
Then,Cally,Dianah and I planned to meet up today.So we did.Cally's place was out of bounce today,awww.That bloody toot didn't wanna come over to mine,stupid mofo.So,Dianah was late for band which (intentionally) cause her to miss band.So,we went Yishun park and Ave11 Playgrnd and we slacked,played th guitar and did some photography.
#01.I met an Awesome bunch of people!!
#02.I met the woman w th most awesomest butt,awesomest Dianah!!
#03.I met th woman w th most awesoment laughter,awesomest pon-tee-anak Dianah!!
#04.Meet The Rampage,empty street,empty love(No Pun Intended) lead singer,th awesomest Dianah!!
#05.I met one of the kewlxzxxxx people on earth of loves the colour Red,the senior whom i currently forgotten her name,>.<
#06.Cally wants a pair of gay sunglasses!!Gay-ed
#07.This Weekend was Fantastic!!
#08.MOS Student's night nxt week w kewlzxzxxx and awesome people nxt week!
#09.Lunch w The Rampage on tuesday,Fabulous!
#10.I HAVE THE MOST PRICELESS AWESOMEST PICTURE!It shall be up here tmrw feat. Awesome pon-tee-anak!!
This awesome thing is just for this post.Awesome ain't my thing, Kewlzxzxxxx is , so yeaph , look out for my very very very very very very very Cool/Kewlzxzxzx posts
as usual alrite people.
If I don't say this now I will surely break.As I'm leaving the one I want to take.Forgive the urgency but hurry up and wait.My heart has started to separate
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Paper bags and plastic hearts.
Today was one of the most fun i had.
Chesna,Rudy,Deanne,Leticia and Sheryl are such entertaining people.We went to East Coast and we cycled.We got caught in the rain so many times.After we were sick of having to stop and seek shelter once it gets heavier,we decided to just bo-chap abt the rain and just cycle.So we cycled and we got drained heavy shit.It was fun cycling through hugehuge pools of water and hearing Leticia screaming at the slightest stuff.So we cycled all the way to Changi Beach which is more than 10k!!Im so proud of Leticia,Chesna and Rudy cause they intially were afraid to cycle,so yeaph.We then subway-ed and went off to Rudy's for cup noodles and slacking time.Today was total ownage for the March Hols when im supposed to be studying and revising and doing my assignments.
I will most prolly be up all night to complete science written report and most prolly coming up with a story line for english project.
Chesna,Rudy,Deanne,Leticia and Sheryl are such entertaining people.We went to East Coast and we cycled.We got caught in the rain so many times.After we were sick of having to stop and seek shelter once it gets heavier,we decided to just bo-chap abt the rain and just cycle.So we cycled and we got drained heavy shit.It was fun cycling through hugehuge pools of water and hearing Leticia screaming at the slightest stuff.So we cycled all the way to Changi Beach which is more than 10k!!Im so proud of Leticia,Chesna and Rudy cause they intially were afraid to cycle,so yeaph.We then subway-ed and went off to Rudy's for cup noodles and slacking time.Today was total ownage for the March Hols when im supposed to be studying and revising and doing my assignments.
I will most prolly be up all night to complete science written report and most prolly coming up with a story line for english project.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Blue as a boy can be.

Amazingly,I am still awake and blogging at this hour considering the fact that i slept at 4.30am and woke up 5.30am this morning.One hour of sleep actually did enabled me to tay awake through out Science thinggum for the whole day up till now.Petrina was being damn retarded luh today.Eh,Pet Chia,if you're reading this,Rmb t kick ass at the SAC 2nd round match ok && Talk t your gummies again uh,see if they can ever be as entertaining as me and Mel breaking your heart by talking to M_ _ _ _( ;Kidding yoz.
Omg,i hate hate you people now,i swear i will nvr ever come into contact w y'all for the rest of my life.Shittttzo facezoootz.
"Stop & Stare i think im moving but i go nowhere."
Sunday, March 09, 2008

The SSO concert was prettty good.Mummy and Daddy couldn't make it cos there was a congestion for the carpark and so,only Dulcie and I went it.We didn't get the fcking booklet so we spent half of the time figuring out the French love story.We had dinner then we went driving!Haha,i love it when we do that.We went to some 400 yr old graves in Telok Blangah Area.So the piece of land with all those graves belongs to Malaysia.
Then we went to Mount Faber.Dad gave me and Dulcie a brainwash on History.Mainly on Radin Mas and those Royalties.
#1.Mum's gna bring us to some other SSO concerts again.
#2.I have yet to start on my assignments.
#3.Uncle Trevor 's in town.
#4.Daddy has yet to bring me to Santa'Fe!!
#5.Im so gna tao pok Uncle Ian once i see him.
#6.I don't wna go for Sci Camp now,i wna go for my lovely training,See,im so dedicated,not.
#7.Im so packed with School for the hols.
#8.i don't want my appendix to burst after hearing Simone's experience.
#9.I still miss you very much) ;
#10.Get Well Soon Simoneeeee!
Monday, March 03, 2008
Steady hands just take the wheels.
Pain is temporary,Glory is forever.
How true yozz.
Im so now gonna train uber hard-errr and be more committed to shotput to bring More Glory to IJ 's Good Name!
Everyone did well for the Heats and Finals for certain events today!Red Houseeeee did pretty good today ok.We managed to get 1st and 3rd for Shotput for C'Div!And guess who got 1st for C'div??Go and Guess ok ok.( :
School was pretty ok today.I kao pei-ed quite alot of people today.ST and I compared muscles again today,Haha.It was pretty fun getting to know my juniors frm Red house and other Houses.Im proud of my juniors and ST!Haha.Macs with Crystal after training.Then it was train with Melissa N. She solves the Rubiks Cube while I messes it up for her.Pretty fun.
Just got off the phone with Cynthia not long ago.
#1.Paradox's logistics are being settled!We have got our band Stix and Picks settled.
#2.Sessions at Cally's place every Sunday.
#3.Pick Ms.Princess Cynthia every Sunday for sessions frm her place to Cally's place.(Did i mention i have to carry her guitar??)
#4.My Sister Dulcie is going Hwa Chong ! Wdf.
"This is the best day I could ever Remember"
How true yozz.
Im so now gonna train uber hard-errr and be more committed to shotput to bring More Glory to IJ 's Good Name!
Everyone did well for the Heats and Finals for certain events today!Red Houseeeee did pretty good today ok.We managed to get 1st and 3rd for Shotput for C'Div!And guess who got 1st for C'div??Go and Guess ok ok.( :
School was pretty ok today.I kao pei-ed quite alot of people today.ST and I compared muscles again today,Haha.It was pretty fun getting to know my juniors frm Red house and other Houses.Im proud of my juniors and ST!Haha.Macs with Crystal after training.Then it was train with Melissa N. She solves the Rubiks Cube while I messes it up for her.Pretty fun.
Just got off the phone with Cynthia not long ago.
#1.Paradox's logistics are being settled!We have got our band Stix and Picks settled.
#2.Sessions at Cally's place every Sunday.
#3.Pick Ms.Princess Cynthia every Sunday for sessions frm her place to Cally's place.(Did i mention i have to carry her guitar??)
#4.My Sister Dulcie is going Hwa Chong ! Wdf.
"This is the best day I could ever Remember"
Saturday, March 01, 2008
log onto my blog huh huh.
my turn nowww.
anw, shari, you are sucha retard.
you just sent me a poem over sms bout yourself ehh.
come, lets share with the world alrights? ;]]]]]
My poem for ME
i'm gay.
man, i don't know what to say.
kay, here it goes.
i'm shari.
i love cherries.
and many other types of berries.
like strawberries, blue berry, black berry.
told you i'm gay.
you don't believe my say?
i'm gonna prove it anyway.
i walk to school everyday
and i'd be sick in the brains
to wear a lacey underwear
which gives me buttaches.
when i get home and check my butt
it resembles like at heart
just that my underwear leaves a lacey print
just like a magazine
i'll show you someday
that i'm VERY gay.
but up to now
this is all i can say-
-end of poem-
wahahaha. man. good eh. shari's gaaay. ;]]]
kay. it's like 2am now and here's what i'm doinggg.
shari, I'LL BE BACK.
annneyy <3
log onto my blog huh huh.
my turn nowww.
anw, shari, you are sucha retard.
you just sent me a poem over sms bout yourself ehh.
come, lets share with the world alrights? ;]]]]]
My poem for ME
i'm gay.
man, i don't know what to say.
kay, here it goes.
i'm shari.
i love cherries.
and many other types of berries.
like strawberries, blue berry, black berry.
told you i'm gay.
you don't believe my say?
i'm gonna prove it anyway.
i walk to school everyday
and i'd be sick in the brains
to wear a lacey underwear
which gives me buttaches.
when i get home and check my butt
it resembles like at heart
just that my underwear leaves a lacey print
just like a magazine
i'll show you someday
that i'm VERY gay.
but up to now
this is all i can say-
-end of poem-
wahahaha. man. good eh. shari's gaaay. ;]]]
kay. it's like 2am now and here's what i'm doinggg.
shari, I'LL BE BACK.
annneyy <3
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