Greetings theawesomestshit, it's been long since I last blogged. School has been draining, so is life outside school. There are just too many things to stay committed too and too many things to balance right now.
Home used to be my sanctuary when I come home everyday after school but now, it is becoming another hell hole because of all the things that needs to be attended to. It would actually be less hell-ish if my sisters can actually help out more like helping out with the laundry or cleaning the house (or their rooms atleast...) or even clearing the trash or dishes. I admit that I'm rather selfish and lazy too but.... ah forget it. I just hope they'd see the importance of going the extra mile at home and not be so calculative because I know my parents (especially my step mom) needs us to help 'em settle things at home so that they can come home to a sanctuary after a busy day at work.
The weather was weird last night. Lightning was striking everywhere in Singapore and it rained like crazy at some parts of the island but it didn't rain at where I'm staying which was annoying. Imagine thunder and lightning everywhere but no rain -_- My poor girlfriend's place had a short circuit and she broke her toenail. Ouch
Time for me to head to bed. School tomorrow! And there's Math lesson tomorrow... Oh the joy
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