Had alot of bonding time with Ms. Au+the class today. We had talks by teachers & our much dreaded dm.
Got back results today & everyone is getting promoted to secondary three!
We watched a class video which moved everyone. It was awesome to have something like that on our last day as a class today.
My classmates made me cry :'( Im going to miss all 'em especially those that i bonded alot with the past few months. Im glad that we intergrated well with Leticia & Sheryl shen since they joined our class this year.
Here is a little something for my classmates who got invited to read this blog.
Please bear with me as this may sound kindda too out of my hardcore, heartless, assholic world.
Yea, so we only really got fuggen bonded this year just when we're bout to get seperated into different classes.
Everyone in school just see us another typical 'normal academic class' in Ij with many express students & biased teachers looking down on us. But we have proven 'em wrong with many us doing better than the express geeks. Life isn't always about winning but this time round, you just gotta say 'HAH, in your face geeks'.
One strong point about us as a class that we truly do live up to 'ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE' with our attitude of always standing for one another as a class no matter what th situation is especially during Mr. Lim's Math Lessons, hah!
One thing i love about our class is that no matter what fucked up rubbish place or assignment we're stuck in, everyone always have fun no matter which different group of peope we're stuck with. Masses, concerts, inter-class & lessons are fuggen fun with all you. Now we won't have Ms. Au to constantly nag at us. Im affirmative that is something we'll miss dearly. We have Ms. Au to be grateful to cause if it hadn't been for her, alot of other teachers would have just gave up on us after semester one. Even when every other bicthes in school looked down on us, she stood by us continuing to be our pillar of strenght+ perserverance & naggings so that we'll all pull up our socks & do wellin the exams.
Not only was Ms. Au the one who pushed & motivated all of us, but it was also everyone's effort in class that pulled us through this year. So kudos to everyone in our twofive family! There's alot that makes us twofive namely..
1)Everyone's retarded antics of singing, dancing, laughing, cracking out of th world jokes, lameness+ Writing how hot she is on the board
2)Ms. Au's nagging!!! Killer man
3)Sheryl Shen liking who in class talks!!HAH
4)Making Mr. Lim fucken mad during lessons
5)Pissing every other teachers that come into our class
I think the list would just go on if i go any further. So yea, ho ho hopefully yall will get good companies next year in your new classes. I love every single one of you though im always hot-temper-ing with you guys(ooops my bad).

Secondary Two Five!

SECONDARY ONE, Unglam fuck.
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