-But i'd rather be here w you
It's been long since i last update. School has been alright for the past few days. Give me some space to blog about about my days starting from Tuesday.
So on tuesday night, i was studying and i needed help on Bio and chem topics so i decided to asked Sam pang. Apparently, she was nice enough to lend her brain for the night. And she is mad cos she studies up till wee hours in the morning!!! Missed school on Wednesday. Back to school on thursday. I love my moron alot for dragging me to the general office along with Sheryl cause i stumbled upon a once-in-a-lifetime thinggy after collecting her stuff. HAHA, moron, if you're reading this, YOU ROCK. While going for EP through the third level bridge, oh my fats, i saw 'hot/panas' man. Hahaha.
Mugged from 8.30 all the way to 5.30 am and i only slept for half an hour before heading to school. Mel, Mariam and Ying en(Sheryl) were worried that i'll fall asleep during lessons cos i was fxking hyper in the morning before assembly.
So friday was basically the slackest day for the week. Science experiment seriously suck-ed to the core. P.E was fantastic cause Moron and I were basically for the first time this year doing our slowest of one round in 2 mins. Hahaha, and we did Medicine ball after that. The whole class were playing silent badminton cos we weren't allow to make too much noise due to the PSLE LC going on next door. Had an really early recess and basically all i did was pass around history notes and laser-mouthing w Moron again(Gahh, how bitchy) AH! I didn't fall asleep at all man.
So got back home quite late and had dinner and had another study marathon with Vicq for 13 hours siol. Amazing but it actually happened with only falling asleep for 45mins while doing math(IT'S MATH,WHAT DO YOU EXPECT) Vicq was uber funny cause she kept asking what time it was and how long more till breakfast. Slept for an hour before watching my Gossip Girl on VideosOnDemand. Could have slept in but i was having a headache and sleeping will only make it worse.
Lyssandra is pissed cos i ditched her today, sorry ah.
Just got off the phone with Sheryl shen ying en. She is damn funny, kept on repeating the same thing about her kaya and curry puff. We were playing make believe,haha. She was damn sad on thursday and friday cos of her kaya, awwww. Cheeeeeeeeer up Ying ennnnnn! : D
Ok, i need to get back to mugging atleast one more chapter of History and i will be done for the night!
And my eyes are screaming for the sight of you. And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through. And I can't hold on to you. So I guess I feel lonely, too.
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