This post is going out to the dearest and best(est) friends in the world for me.
16 July 2012: Rebecca Rose Morais
Prom Night November 2011 |
You have always been the lady among Soldiers and the motherly figure besides Jasmine. Thanks for the great party you threw for your birthday. I had a really great time + I am sure the rest of us there did too! Partying at Helipad for that weekend was great too despite the hiccups we had earlier on in the night. I have known you for 6 years now. From the girl who was from Marymount Convent and disturbing you during Malay Language class, the rest of the bungs and me checking you out in sec 2 because you started to look REALLY different physically (HAHAHAHAHAH, Shiv please do not kill me) and then came sec 3 when you became my classmate for the rest of our years in IJ. I am really glad that you and the rest of Soldiers became my group of friends in school + in class. Doing retarded things in school, sharing every day life with you + the girls, going through 2 major exams together, you giving me pretty much the only sane advises I can get from Soldiers and a lot of other things. You are one hell of a heels lover and gee woman, you are so bloody passionate about them. Well, you are finally 18 and you can do all the partying that you enjoy. You are a really, really, really great friend to have around and I am so thankful to God that I have you as my friend + the rest of the girls. Even though you are in Poly now, I know for sure, no friends you meet there is going to be as great as soldiers. :-)
P.S/ You and Shivvy boy make one hell of a great couple. Seeing you 2 together really gives me hopes that relationships are not always bullshit. Love you babe, xxx
12th August 2012: Princess Diana Michael Tan
Early 2010 when your hair was still black |
Where do I start? First of all, this is an apology for the major cock up we had right before your birthday but I am glad that was done and over with. Thanks for putting it aside and still allowed me to celebrate your birthday with you. I am pretty sure you had fun finishing a whole bottle of 750ml vodka by yourself. You have always been an older sister for me, looking out for me when we were in school and taking care of me even after you/ we left IJ. There is never a day (or more like night) which was boring and somehow, we always come up with the craziest things to do to entertain ourselves when we are out. After countless pints and cans of beer, packs of cigarettes, bottles of liquor, nights in the club/ bar/ pub, nights lepaking at each other's places, stupid irrational fights, I am glad that I still have you as my god sister. It is nice to know that I have you + your family to call my own and you likewise, have my family to call your own. It is really amazing how my mother trusts you more than she trusts me and my sisters listens to you and not me -_- You are in China now for your competition so ALL THE BEST babe!!!!! Show 'em what Diana P is all about. Here is to more nights lepaking + getting smashed + fantasizing about our future. Love you, always PUTPUT. Tee hee hee
24th August 2012: Yan Aindreas aka Nurul Ain Bte Talib
You bloody wanker. You are the left boob and I am the right boob. You are my bra and one of my bestest friends. I have had some of the best holiday periods with you. Dated girls and coming up with retarded analogies with regards to the situation we were in. Getting my first underage smoking screening with you :P HAHAHAHA. Spending our days at my mother's bakery, you staying at my place for such long periods of time, never failing to confide in each other about every single girl we were dating, Seletaris/ North Oaks with our (then) favourite girls, going for midnight runs..... HAIYAH BRA, why must you be so old and grown up now??? We need to have sleepovers again. WE NEED TO STAY UP TILL 8AM JUST TO GO FOR MORNING WALKS, LAUGH AT PEOPLE'S TWEETS AND EAT SUPPER. You are going through a really rough patch now emotionally but I really do hope you'd pick yourself up soon. Remember how both of us went through this with all the girls we dated before? Yes, Bonnie and I-rah were girls we loved so much but hey, remember what you told me when B and I ended things? Yes you do, do not fucking deny it. The same goes for you, bra. Someday, we are going to have a conversation about how silly this emotional rah rah is, don't we always do that??? No matter what happens, I will always have your back. Two of us together, we are like a couple, HEE HEE HEE. Happy 20th Birthday, bra kesayangan gua.
24th September 2012: Siti Mariam Alias
Batam in June(?) 2011 (Side note: Wtf, look at how fat I was) |
My moron and best friend, you are the first friend I made in IJ. Despite us being TORN APART in sec 3 and then after you left IJ, you are like the most annoying bitch of a friend I have and I fucking love you for that. How you tolerate all of my whinning about stupid girls and how we can just throw a bitch fit at each other but just laugh at each other for it. I will never forget how we fought and you poured iced lemon tea all over me :-) You are such a good friend la, serious. HAHAHA. I am thankful for the fact that our friendship is so strong that we always have each other no matter how long it has been since we last spoke. How mama rock is always so welcoming and warm. Sigh pie, I miss spending every single fucking weekday with you :-( I am sorry I could not make it for USS day but hey!!!! My birthday is coming up so we should have dinner soon yeah? Though it was awkward at your place with your friends from college being there but hey!!! I GOT TO ACCEPT THAT OTHER PEOPLE WOULD WANT TO BEFRIEND MY MORON RIGHT, HAHAHAHAHAH. I fucking love you, okay remember that and you can always count on me even though half of the time I wouldn't even make things better for you. Our love is unspoken love but it's a great one. Happy fucking legal, moron.
27th September 2012: Illya, the girl who shot her zombie
Prom Night November 2011 |
Our friendship developed in an odd way...... but I am glad it did. It so nice to have one of my best friends staying near me UNLIKE THE REST, hahaha. So much has happened in our lives ever since we got close and I am glad I had you around when I was an emotional wreck. Lepaking is always our main activity whenever we meet, meeting just to smoke in Sembawang. You are like a stone thrown against my head whenever I confide in you because you never sugar coat your words. You are fucking direct and blunt but I fucking love that about you. I hope you enjoyed the cake + your favourite Milo earlier on. PLEASE KEEP MY LETTER PROPERLY YA. I love being emotional wrecks with you whenever we are both down and out and hey whenever that happens, you will always have me to be gila with you ya??? You can finally buy cigarettes from the 7-11 downstairs, hekhekhek. Please, gloat in all the glory of being legal before me through out the upcoming week yeah?? Have fun clubbing legally tomorrow and please get fucking smashed. Run naked on the streets outside Zouk with Thipa. Pretty please. Love you, indian wannabe