The crazy hectic week after O-levels has finally ended. Mixed emotions about it because after all the studying, discussions/ planning for Graduation Night(According to Becky: Prom without Boys) and all the rushing to get things done an hour before prom, it has all come to an end; officially our last 'school related event'.
I must say, I had more than just a blast at prom which was held at Marriott Singapore. Nothing much on the prom organized by the school but more of the thrill of seeing my juniors (Secondary 4 girls) and the Secondary 5 girls all dressed up, spending the night as one HUGE IJ Family. Some photos from prom:

Soldiers; My lovely ladies. Loving them forever & always

Look who came to crash#01. The lady who shot her zombie

Janelle! She loves meow meows too :-)

Claudia Yong!

Coolest photo taken during prom :P

Mighty Val's armpit photo :P

Kids at table 41

Meet my Ah Tan, Lynnette Tan Shi Ying :-B

Meet Zhi Ying, Track & Field Captain '10-'11

Meet the prom crasher #02. The girl who loves tea aka. MaroonMonday on Youtube! Catch her this Wednesday, 6pm at the open area outside 313's Marche

Melissa Rodrigues! Miss this girl so much.

Kiana and I with Ms. Champion. The teacher who saw me grow up since I entered the gates of IJ, hahahaha

Jasmine Alisa Lee

Rebecca Rose Morais

Janina Deocareza- Soria

Celestine Josephine Emmanuel

Our very own super star: Roobini Daley!!!!!!

Shirley Kusumo! Secondary 1/5's Chair person & Vice chair person

What's up, the cool kids from table 41 again

Beautiful ladies


2011 sitting partner, sup

CHILLI PADI!!!!! Deanne Tan Su-Ling. Amazing friend :-)

Christine Lee!!!! She's damn noisy, haha.
Next up... Photos from the after party of prom. We all went crazy but hey!!! It was our prom night and man, we had a blast.

Meet the Indians!!!!! Haha, #kidding. Meet Shiv!

I think this is a really cute photo of Celestine and me.

This is about it for prom. All I can say is that IJ is forever a part of me. I've never regretted putting 7001 as my first choice for Secondary School Posting. An IJ experience is priceless. And my girls, they're priceless + precious. I love 'em like how a fat boy loves cake.