and no,i am not th one t blame.
But it was pretty awesome cos I managed to understood what she was going through.I am starting to love sitting infront when it comes to our exam sitting positions.
Alot has happened in the past few days.Sometimes,i really wonder why must God allow such thing happen for no reason at all,sigh.
#01.Lunch and quality time w Rebecca,Cally and Catherine(muffin) on Thursday(24/4)
#02.Lunch and awesome time w Cally,Shanth,Shannen,Sarah and Simone on Friday(25/4)
#03.Nature time and alot shittyx things on Saturday(26/4)
#04.HAHA,the bombxx,mugging session w Muffin,Shanth and simone @ my place.Damn nonsense,ended up only Muffin and I studied cos th other two was playing in th pool.McFlurry and walking across th huge huge fields w muffin on Sun(27/4)
We had assembly yesterday.It was pretty alrite.We watched local films by raw talents,It was really awesome.I love all the videos.I especially enjoyed the 3rd film.It is a music video which was make into a short film.Really really heartxbreaking and warmingx.
I wanna get away frm this place as soon as possible.I really do suck at expressing my feelings cos people always get them mixed up whenever i try expressing myself.I suck at making people happy.I want to be able to comprehend such simple feelings but,every time i do,everything gets stuck in the traffic jam.It's ironic how i told people not to let negativity,bitches and everything that is happening affect them but somehow,i can never apply that for myself(Ironic much?)
#01.Feelings are unabled to be comprehend
#02.Studies are getting slack at th rate i am going.
#03.Learning the chords for the list of songs Dianah gave me is getting unproductive and IJ Fiesta is less than a month away.
#04.Pretty much evrything's suck-ish now.
I am bewildered by the term 'being in love'.I wish there is some communist party againts love.I do not know why,but it seems that whenever you think you have got something going on for you,it starts t fall apart.I am being kept awake at night just thinking about the pain evryone of us has to embrace in different stages of life.I hoped and wished that you are right here nxt t me,star gazing in th park just like how i said i will take you there.Loving someone is really a pain.I wish i can make you happy,i do not ever wish to see you down and out.At night,thinking about just pains th heart.It's something i have really tried to forget but,everything isn't going as planned.Being kept awake by love at night,if you're lucky,you will fall into a deep slumber by the cool air conditioning,if you're not,you will be kept awake the whole night,just you +th pain+thoughts of her.I do not know what you're thinking of,you're not avoiding me,we are still close,but it's weird,are you just gonna keep me hanging?
Everything's taking its toll now.My depriving nights has taken its toll especially on the people around me.I do not kwn why,but i am blowing up at almost evryone.I tried controlling everything but,it just seem to blow up,the harder i try,the worst it gets.I hate what i am feeling right now.I am really feeling numbed now.I can't feel a single ounce of any positive feelings.If this is gonna take a toll on my study,i won't be suprise.
The last song ever.
I wish my life was this song
'cause songs they never die
I could write for years and years
And never have to cry I'd show you how I feel
With out saying a word
I could rap up both are hearts
I know it sounds absurd
And I saw the tears on your face
I shot you down and I slammed the door
But couldn't make a sound
So please stay sweet my dear
Don't hate me now
I can't tell how this last song ends
The way that I feel tonight so down so down I pray I can swim just so I won't drown and the
Waves that crash over me I am gasping for air take my hand so I can breathe as I write this
Last song down
And I saw the tears on your face I shot you down
And I slammed the door but couldn't make a sound
So please stay sweet my dear
Don't hate me now
I can't tell how this last song ends
The broken glass... your moistened skin
Was everything, was everything
And your broken voice... was quivering
You're everything, you're everything
Scream at me make it the best I ever heard
Laugh out loud I know it sounds absurd
Scream at me make it the best I ever heard
You're everything, you're everything
Heart beats slowing pains are growing
Does she love you that's worth knowing?
Heart beats slowing pains are growing
Does she love you that's worth knowing?